in this reView, a Veteran unVeils the Visage off his Very latest to ViVify and to Vanquish
all fears in-Vain
that his Vacancy in
the country has left a Vacuum
so Void that only
he could Validate. Vanished but Valued for his Verbose, this artist has
transformed like water into Vapor,
inVariably his Venture has allowed him Variety beyond our ViVid imaginations. The Vault has been opened and
the Valuables have
been released. Veins
Varicose and eVen the Ventricular shall rupture
when the Verbs, Verbals, Verbalism, and Verbalizations reVerberate Verdantly into our ears. Vertebrates hang Vertically, unable to lie
flat, too Vexed to
wait for what is a Viable
Vibe. “Victors and not Victims” is the message
of the promo Video;
a Versus battle in
a Vietnamese enVironment, and to View it is a pleasure. A
story of Vigilance
over the Villain to
Vindicate; a story enVisioned by the Vine through the branch.
Roses are red, Violets
are not; Violence
leaves red, but Virtue
is Vital. I Vow that this single will
be good like Vitamins.
You may call it Volcanic,
not Vulgar; able to
transfer Volts in Volumes. You may call it
many things but just call it “V”!
HERE IS THE VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F06aoIUTTPc
Twitter: @thagosple
Reverbnation: www.reverbnation.com/thagosple99